Saturday, April 29, 2017

#AtoZChallenge - Perspectives: Yielding

I was going to write about phYchics today, but changed my mind.  For one thing, I've mentioned my thoughts and feelings on this before.  No need to go there again.  So, I'm going to talk about yielding. 

Everyone has to yield at some point, to someone or something.  We may yield to our spouse's idea about where to go on vacation, we may yield the lead in a conversation to someone, we may yield ourselves to God for His will and His way in our lives.  A parent may yield and let a child do something for the 1st time.  Yes, we all end up yielding somewhere along the line.

Yet, yielding can be scary.  Once you yield, you are not in total control.  So, even though you know you avoided chaos by yielding, you can feel deprived, scared, resentful.  Assuming we made a good choice initially in what we yielded and to whom, to yield can be freeing, can build trust between two persons, can expand your mind, your circumstances, your experience. 

To refuse to yield when the circumstance calls for it, can lead to problems, breakage, discord, unrealized possibilities.  Sometimes we just have to let our pride down a little.  We have to remember that we are not "in this" alone. 

What are your thoughts on yielding?  Do you find it hard sometimes?  Do you recall a time you are thankful you did yield?



  1. I think it depends on the topic. For the most part, I think I'm pretty easy going, and usually have a go-with-the-flow outlook, so I think I'll pretty much yield with popular consensus. But there are some things I won't budge on, and some things I've had to learn to budge on. I imagine something similar holds true for everyone, but with varying degrees on where one draws their lines.

    A to Z 2017: Magical and Medicinal Herbs

  2. Yield is a lovely word- powerful and silent in most parts!!!
    I think yielding is a good thing to practice to ease of aggression and ego! One must ofcourse gauge the situation and not blindly agree with things!!

    Theme: Peregrination Chronicles (travel)
    Y is for You have got mail in Udaipur #atozchallenge

  3. Lots of yielding in this house on which restaurant to pick, which game to play, who gets to shower first. It's everywhere, but not always easy.

    Y is for the Yellowstone Conspiracy

  4. "can expand your mind, your circumstances, your experience." Love this description. Happy A-to-Z-ing.

  5. Yielding, letting go of control, is the hardest thing to do when you have been in bad situations before where you felt powerless, but yielding to someone who loves you and wants the best for you is a totally different situation. Yielding to God's will for us is essential if we are to live happy, useful, fulfilled lives! I've also learned over the years that it's far better to yield in a disagreement with a loved one, even if you are certain you are right, than to have strife between you. It's not really losing the argument, it's winning the relationship! I counsel family and friends to only stand firm on the big important issues, and let the rest go! No need to fight over socks on the floor or which way the toilet paper roll goes on the dispenser! :-)

    Y is for Yvonne

    1. Great point on "not losing the argument, but winning the relationship"!

  6. It is hard to yield. I have been called a control freak! I'm learning (so late in life) that I need to pick my battles!! Good post

  7. Yielding, some habits are hard.
    It sometimes make people look stubborn right

    A Peice Of My Life

    1. I suppose one person's stubborn could be someone else's standing for what I believe in.

  8. I like this sense of the word: “I find so many opportunities to fall, to falter, and fail when I refuse to surrender to change. Change will come into my room and rearrange my tidy world. Then like dominoes, one things changed falls upon another until it feels like the world is collapsing around me.
    But when I yield, when I surrender to the NECESSARY change, I can stand back and look at the beautiful picture created by what seemed to be my world falling apart.”
    Writer In Transit

  9. We can't control everything. Yielding is good, depending.

  10. As bossy as I am, I tend to yield. You get more being flexible and enjoy life more in my opinion.

  11. I do find it difficult to yield at times. I like to be in control, but have found it easier as the years go by to choose my battles. Some things just are not worth the contention, and at times I tend to learn new things and find new, enjoyable experiences by yielding.

  12. Good choice for Y. Yielding is hard!! I have two teenagers quickly approaching adulthood - I'm learning lots about yielding and trusting.

  13. Yielding is challenging, but as long as it doesn't compromise my own morals and values, I try my best to meet people in the middle.

  14. As a youngster this word carried a lot of power as I exploring Gods will in my life, and making sure that I yield to his calling, now that I am 50 + I go with the flow and yes when I feel the inner calling to yield I give in and am happy, somehow deep within I believe all works for the good of those who believe. Thanks for this post


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