Saturday, March 30, 2013

A is for April, Z is for Sleep

What?!  Don't believe me?  Think I don't know my alphabet or that I can't spell?  Z.  The letter Z.  As in ZZZZZzzzzz.  The universal sign for having dozed off.  Sleeping.  Snoring.  Resting.   And I rest my case.

April is the start of the April A-Z Challenge, of which I am once again a participant.  I'm excited and looking forward to it.  I prefer to use a theme for my A-Z posts.  And this year my theme is more a point of view.  I will be writing each post as if I were writing it to one or both of my children.  It might be special memories, family stories, advice, scolding, etc.  Something I've never shared with them, or something I have shared and want to record here to preserve.  Since most folks have or will have children, or have been a child, or have special memories, family stories, etc. I do hope you will enjoy it. 

The Z, being for sleep, means I never seem to have enough.  And I get very little co-operation in getting more.  In fact I often have to fight for it, and then I'm so wound up I can't sleep.  It's symptomatic of my being very undervalued and under appreciated around here.  I'm not supposed to have outside interests or things I like to do just because I like to do them.  Unless they match "someone else's" like to do's.  Then I have their blessing.  So, I expect April will be a round, a row around my house.  But I'm doing it anyway. 

I have my tentative ideas for each days post scheduled on my calender,  but I'm not writing them up ahead of time.  One, I might change my mind as I go.  I want to be fluid with it.  Also, I prefer to write in the moment.  So, I'll be writing as I go. 

We are asked and encouraged to visit other A-Z'ers blogs during the challenge with a suggested 5 per day.  Last year this was a real struggle for me.  I expect it still will be this year.  Seems one person in my home gets moody just seeing me sit at the computer, and another has a virtual horse farm they want to play and chat at.  AND we are stuck on dial-up, living in the sticks with a limited income.  My plan this year is to visit my suggested 5 while I eat lunch at the office.  And drop by more of them as I can in the evenings, or while I drink my coffee on Sunday mornings.  You can see the list of participants here:  The A-Z Challenge 2013 List.  Life & Faith in Caneyhead is number 626.

There is one thing I am extremely grateful for this year.  Jeremy designed the theme for the badges and banners this year and added one for each letter we can place on the appropriate post.  This way, if I want to post something that does not relate to the challenge, my readers can easily differentiate between challenge posts and my usual fair.  Challenge posts will have the letter of the day badge and of course regular posts will not. 

Enjoy your weekend and have a beautiful and blessed Easter.  I'll be celebrating Easter at Wiley Mae and enjoying my precious Baby Ruth.


  1. I'm looking forward to seeing your theme once the challenge starts!

  2. I hope April is challenging and successful for you!

    I'm nominating you for a blog award. Check out this post to claim it:


So glad you stopped by! Come 'round any time. ~ Barbara

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