Monday, May 23, 2016

We Don't Need No Stinking New Bathroom Laws

For crying out loud!!  Has this whole collective country lost all of it's common sense?!?!  Seriously!

All of this transgender bathroom crap is ridiculous!  All we need is all we have ever needed, which is a little common sense, as anyone who has ever been the mother of a boy can tell you.  If you have a toddler to preschool age boy and your husband is not with you and the boy needs to use the restroom, you escort him into the ladies room with you.  Why?  Because he is too young to be in a place with grown men, one of whom could be a molester, nor in an environment that is usually filthy without supervision.  Once he gets up school age or so, you teach him some self protection things and let him go in the men's room, but you are right outside that door and you'll bust up right in there if he takes an exceeding long time or you hear any sign of a commotion.  Technically, the ladies bathroom was never his place and the men's room was never yours.  But for the sake of his age and protection and common sense, there are times to bend the rules and only an idiot would complain.

Likewise, the whole trans debacle.  Get real would you people!  Anyone who is dressed and carrying themselves as a woman has always been able to go into the ladies room.  Anyone who can stand and piss has been able to go into the men's room.  That's all we need!  Just keep doing that!  If Larry still walks like a man and isn't dressed in drag, go to the men's room!!!  If he's rocking a dress and heels and can simply walk in quietly, get in a stall and do his business, go in a ladies room!  If you don't make a big deal out of it, the most anyone might think is what a gawd awful ugly woman.  Or darn, I wish I had her hair.

No one needs an all inclusive restroom!!  We'd never find a clean public restroom anywhere any more, let alone having to pee in the same room as the guy who just leered at you on isle 5.

Thank you for listening!  I feel better now.



  1. Keep ranting. I'm listening and not arguing :-)

    1. I just had to say it to someone besides my family who are sick of hearing it and the dog. ;)

  2. No chyt!! It's incredible that people still don't get the idea of gender. We have TWO that's it, and if something went haywire in utero, it can be adjusted. So why make those folks, who've suffered enough, more of a target by setting up private bathrooms? A trans would be the first to tell you NO NO NO!!! Good post.

  3. Yes. I don't understand what all the hoopla is about. No, yes I do. Some people want to get all upset about people they don't know doing things they don't approve of.

    1. I see it on both sides. There are also those in the gay/trans communities that simply want to flaunt themselves outlandishly in front of people they know it is going to offend for the sheer shock value of it. There are those that thrive on that. Just as there are many conservatives that have the misconception that you can legislate morality. You can't. The amoral don't care about the law. I am on the right only because I feel I shouldn't have to fund anyone's immorality and because I also don't think it is right to make laws saying something immoral is "right" just to appease people.

  4. Personally, I think things would go a lot easier if all bathrooms were individual bathrooms, not multi-stalled bathrooms. Have separate ones for standers and for sitters, regardless of their equipment. And they all should be as clean and private as the Buc-ees bathrooms in El Campo. :) Then, nobody has anything to be upset about. No one has to feel weirded out and no one has to feel discriminated against.

    Things were so much easier when I was a kid.

    Have a blessed night, y'all!

    1. Yeah, well, good luck getting everyone who offers a public restroom to keep it that clean.

  5. Replies
    1. It is. I believe we are becoming a nation of the absurd.

  6. I agree with Alex, it is ridiculous. Something down the road sadly is going to happen and someone is going to get hurt, and then a store sued, and then maybe this madness will stop.


    1. Really! You go saying anyone can go in any restroom and before you know it your 13 year old daughter is in the same restroom as four strapping big young men. I may start peeing in parking lots.

  7. That was entertaining, AND you made a point! Enjoyed it.

    1. Thank you, Fox! That's kinda what I was aiming for. ;)

  8. Good entry, I couldn't have said it better.

  9. No kidding! Why does such a hoopla have to be made for the 3 people in a million who are transgender? Let them quietly do whatever they've done before, and that's that.

    1. I'll be honest, I don't know the numbers. And it may seem crass, but frankly I don't care. Just keep anything that looks and acts like a man out of my bathroom!

  10. I have been ranting about this myself! I am sure there have been transgendered people in women's bathrooms or men's bathrooms for years. But NOW, these people want ATTENTION! They are the ones fighting for the right to use whatever bathroom they wish to use! I have been saying "just go into whatever bathroom you are dressed up to be today. No one can tell what is hiding in your panties, unless you make a big deal of it. Just do your business and go about your way." They are the ones screaming for attention!!!!!!!! End of my rant!

    1. I really think there is a group of the gay/trans crowd that wants to create disturbance any way they can. It might not be a majority, but it's a LOUD group. I see America degenerating into a nation that caves and changes its laws and interpretation of the constitution to satisfy not the intent, nor the majority, but those who scream the loudest.

  11. I'm with you, Barbara. And I agree with most of the comments I see here. It seems acknowledgement is not enough, so they seek accolades in the form of forced integration. I wonder how willing the man with the pen would be to allow/approve his own daughters showering with boys? But then, impositions are only for the lowly public and not the political elite. I'm glad you gave us this opportunity to vent:-)

    1. Thanks for your thoughts! I'm happy to have obliged any and all needs to vent!

  12. Another thought that crossed my mind about this, Barbara, is wondering if the transgendered men-that-feel-like-women really know what they're getting into by demanding to go in the women's room. Most men's rooms have basically no lines. What they're arguing for is their right to stand in long lines to get to pee when they could have gone into their birth-gendered bathroom and been out already in less time than it took me to write this comment.

    1. LOL I say maybe they deserve what they get! You're right! The lines for ladies rooms especially in bars and at sporting events, are so long and slow moving!! It's like you have to think you might need to pee soon and get in line so maybe you'll be there by the time you really have to.

  13. Great post. Well stated and I totally agree with you!


So glad you stopped by! Come 'round any time. ~ Barbara

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