Well Hello there! The guys had to go on a job today. And me and Bug finally started off to town around noon. She had slept till almost 11 am. And the Can Man had stopped by. The Can Man is an elderly man who makes his way around folks houses to pick up any aluminum cans they might have. Sells the cans for a little supplemental income. So of course Bug had to run outside and help him gather up our cans. He paid her one whole shiny Quarter for her trouble.We finally start off to make a deposit at the bank and get a few odds and ends out at Wally World. (One, a collar for the famous.....no infamous Matilda.) I pulled in the feedstore a couple of miles down the road so we could each get a soda and Bug stopped by the car instead of running ahead into the store. I turned back, and then I heard it too! Tiny little "Mew. meow, mew!"Oh NO! Please let there not be a strewn apart cat under the hood. Opened it up and there was a solid white one curled up next to the firewall on the drivers side. Okay, great! Kitten rescued. NO wait! Another "Mew!" There he is ......the precious little grey striped one with the bright blue eyes......wedged down beneath were the first one was and under some hoses. Is isn't easy, but after holding the lst kitten within view the second finally pokes it's head up high enough I can grab it and get it to safety. Now we have to go all the way home to drop off the kittens! Oh, well, at least all were safe and I don't have to steam clean under my hood!
At least they were all safe. If I haven't said it before HAPPY MOTHER"S DAY!! Helen
ReplyDeleteI had that happen before!( Both events with cats)
ReplyDeleteHeard of this happening but thank goodness not to me. happy Mother's Day, Paula