What a crazy week it has been! Well, not exactly crazy...and not exactly busy...and not exactly bad; but I still feel like I have been stuck in neutral and spinning my wheels.
I have ideas spinning. Ideas for humorous entries. Ideas to hopefully inspire or encourage. But frankly, I haven't the brain power to do either today.
So this is more of an information entry. Spreading the word and sharing what I know. (Which, frankly, ain't all that much.)
First an update on us. This little band of rednecks. I'll do it in age order.
I am working part-time three days a week still. I enjoy it. Like getting out. Nice people there and a pleasant atmosphere. But I am so far behind on appointments, taking care of special issues for the family, housework, etc. etc., that I feel like I'll never catch up.
Pete is still Pete. Been busy clearing out brush around the edge of the property with a backhoe. Building and setting new kitchen cabinets for my sister. Last weekend he and Bubba went to Cruise~n Silsbee and had a blast together. People from all over bring their "rides" they are proud of. Show off, compete. Trucks, cars, motorcycles. It's the only weekend it is legal in Silsbee to smoke down tires and expeditionary accelerate.
Bubba is a Senior in High School this year. He spends half of every day in Auto Shop. Though he is still intoxicated with "systems" for cars and trucks, he recently discovered an oldie, but goodie pastime: CB Radio. There was an old one in a Bronco and he hooked it up and got it working. Is planning on buying a new one today. Thinks he and his Daddy will have a blast with them this fall in the hunting club.
And then there is Bug. She's proud to be a "big" second grader this year. Starting off well. We are having trouble getting her to bed on time at night. (9:00pm) She doesn't get home until 4:20 each evening. Then there is the necessity of snack time. And she has chores. She waters all the animals on the hill: Three horses, three hogs, one miniature goat, 5 Boston Terriers, a Kerr dog, a Basset hound, one kitten and 50 or so head of chickens. Then she has to feed her animals: which are one dog, the goat, the kitten and the chickens. There is usually about 30 minutes of homework, that she drags out to take an hour or more. And the often dreaded bath time, that uses up another 30 minutes. Somewhere in there, she has to eat supper. So, it's a race when it comes to Bug every night. But I have to say, she almost always still awakens cheerful, sweet and cuddly.
I also have a little J-land family news I wish to share. Get the word out!
Another Barbara is still alive, kicking and doing well! She promises to stick around if we give her just a little encouragement. So, if you remember her go and welcome her back. And if you haven't met her...here's your chance. I'm Not Just a Farmer's Wife.
And here's one Carlene brought to my attention: Help Wanted. It's a journal with a theme. You can ask questions or provide answers there. I volunteered my services as redneck advisor. :o)
I know I hope very much to see everyone at the September J-land Chat this Sunday. You can get the link to the Journals Cafe, the time and a link to a Time Zone Clock all over at Northern Trip. (Sorry, AOL Members only.)
I have advanced to the 15 Devotion on Marriage. Probably should have this one made into wallpaper for the house! As I look around, I must confess I have not even been attempting to live this one out in my day to day life as of late. As of a long time. If you want to know what I should be doin' that I haven't been a doin' then you'll just have to go read the devotion.
I think that's all for now. Of course, knowing me, I'll think of something just as soon as I click "Save". ;o) I hear a dryer buzzer calling my name.