Monday, April 30, 2007
Authorities make big "bust" for CarnivAOL!

Thursday, April 26, 2007
Questions and Answers
Had a couple of recurring questions regarding my boys will be boys post. So I thought I'd oblige and answer them here.
First, what does Pete have in his garden? Might be easier to tell you what Pete doesn't have in his garden! The picture is just of a small plot behind the house. There are also rows all the way down the pipeline towards his brother's house. And there is another larger square to one side of the house, out towards the hog pen and the pond.
So we have: potatoes, greens, squash, watermelon, cantelope, peas, okra, tomatoes (several kinds), eggplant, butterbeans, peppers, and corn. I think that's all. I'm not sure.
And the second question was how did Bubba get that four wheeler out? Being young and almost 18, he is a high-tech redneck. He had his cell phone with him. Kept him and Brandon from having to walk all the way out just to get help. So they called Pete's cousin and he and his son-in-law came down the river in a boat with a very long cable, a chain and a set of come-a-longs. Once they got there it took them about 45 minutes to come-a-long it out of that hole.
See, sometimes I forget I live in Caneyhead. Most everybody around here just assumes you have what we have in a garden. And anyone around here would have looked at Bubba's picture and the location I gave and known what it took to get it out. I forget sometimes just how big and diverse the world is; even in the South. ;o )
P.S. - We are now planning to go to Galveston on Saturday. Bubba will be at the TSA Regionals with his top secret project. And Bug will be somewhere with Aunt Edna. But around here, you never can tell and you don't count your chickens before they hatch. And if you count them afterward, you'll likely find you loose one or two each day to some varmit or another.
Boys will be boys.
Yes, boys will be boys. Though you never know just what that may mean. Different things at different times. At different ages and stages.
Take my Pete and Bubba for example. This past weekend Pete put finishing touches on his vegetable garden. He took a lot of time and care with it. And it was good to work in the soil.
And then there was Bubba. He went off to enjoy the weather with his best friend Brandon on a four-wheeler. And when they got to a certain spot about 6 bends of the Neches River south of Bush lake, they quickly and most likely carelessly got right in to the good earth.
Pete turned out to be very thankful he didn't let Bubba take his four wheeler. But it wasn't too many years ago I remember getting off into situations just like that with him: in jeeps, in his AMX and on four wheelers.
Update: Pete and I did not go to Galveston on Monday. He didn't rest well at all Sunday night, and did not feel like making the 2 1/2 hour trip.
Monday, April 23, 2007
Calling all Cars!! Calling all Cars!!
Be on the lookout for journal entries...................Entries described as any that the author is proud of or otherwise wants to share...........Fits this M. O.: E-mails the link for that specific journal entry to bhbner2him@aol.com absolutely no later than Sunday night, April 29th............Once apprehended, all suspects will be posted in CarnivAOL, May 1st, on this journal..........Be advised entries could make you laugh, cry or inform you.
Tags: CarnivAOL
Sunday, April 22, 2007
As promised!
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
A Day of Animals

Sunday, April 15, 2007
Who'd a thunk it?
Okay, someone start the drum roll, please! I have now been blogging here in J-land for two years! I have to say, I do believe it has exceeded my expectations. Met a lot of nice folks. Found new friends.
I changed out my side bar animation. Tossed the one year marker and put up a two year marker. If anyone is looking for one, they are made by Jill Marie at Coloring Inside the Lines.
And in celebration, I'm digging out my third entry in this journal and reposting it here, today:
Scars of Hurt and Resentment
Hello Sisters! I had to mow some today and strange as it may seem I do some of my best praying and meditating riding that mower. It drowns out the world and puts me in a cocoon. Any way, I was out there and praying. Lifting up some sisters who have been very hurt in the past and the present by others. And all of a sudden God brings Dr. Washburn to mind. Now Dr. Washburn was a real Texas style plastic surgeon. Complete with a cigar in the ER! When I was 11 and our family was hit by a man who fell asleep at the wheel, Dr. Washburn was on call and sewed us all up. Now in a few months me and mom went back to him, because our injuries were on our faces and we needed some surgery to look more normal again....for the scar to not be so noticeable and prominent. Dr. Washburn feels and pushes and pokes on mother's scar and tells her to make an appointment with receptionist to set up the 1st of her surgeries in a couple of weeks. Then he turns to me and again he pokes, pushes and feels. Then he shakes his head and turns to mom and says....it'll be 4-5 years before we can do her. Mom is surprised and wants of course to know why. The doctor went on to explain that children's bodies were so busy growing that their scars actually healed slower than an adults. The scar tissue when new was stiff and hard. It had to get to the stage that it was soft and pliable before restoration could be done.
Now what I draw from this is that the scars on our hearts from hurts and unforgiveness are the same way!
The places where we have been scarred by hurt and resentment can not be restored by our Lord until they become soft and pliable. It may take a lot of time, but the scars can soften and heal! Sometimes the best steps are to pray to forgive. And to pray FOR person who caused the hurt, not ABOUT them. Once you start praying for someone, even if you don't "feel" it at first, eventually you will. You have to take the steps and do the actions like you have forgiven and let the true forgiveness follow in behind.
Then Jesus can sculpt and remake the damaged areas so that they are once again pleasing to His eye!
Just the thoughts of a sister on her mower. May you all be blessed with a Glorious Weekend in the Lord!
Monday, April 9, 2007
Signs of Spring in Caneyhead
Isn't he gorgeous! We have a wide array of roosters around here. And signs of spring are everywhere. From the usual blossoms on fruit trees and the ample oak and pine pollen that makes a thin yellow layer on anything outside. To the abundance of baby chicks in every size and stage imaginable running all around and about.
Another sure sign of spring is potatoes in the ground and tomatoe, pepper and eggplant plants lined up like solders for inspection.
There's the increase in ATV traffic from one house to another. Almost daily rounds to share coffee or a cold one, check on the progress of yards and gardens.
Sows who grow tired of the same ole thing and bust out and end up at someone else's house, down the pipeline. Obligingly, they allow us to board her there until the necessary repairs are made.
There's the fish fry's and the rounds about the pond that Pete and Bug make to get a couple of big bullfrogs to put in the mix. Bug swears they are delicious. I'll take her word on it.
There are abundant snakes to kill, as they come for eggs. And the chicken hawks that have to be discouraged by waving the shotgun. (Hey, they know what it is!!) And there are eyes in the backwater behind the pond. Red eyes. Eyes that my hubby promises me belong to alligators. Fishermen on the Neches River see them, but you expect to have to go to the river....not a couple of hundred yards out your backdoor!!
There's good old fashioned "singings". One of which Bubba attended with the church youth and then went on to Woodville for Pizza. (For anyone out of the loop, a singing is a gathering where one or more or many sing for hours in a church and everyone is invited: no charge.)
There are young fellows riding down the sides of the roads covered in mud. They've tried every road ditch and pipeline for the fun of it on their ATV's. You pass more and more people on horseback. Just getting in a ride before the next trailride, benefit or playday.
There is the sound of sleet on the roof the eve of Easter. And snowflakes seen drifting through the air from Bush Lake to Jasper.
Little sunkissed country girls run and play and plant and fall in the mud, all while barefoot.
If you cut the stinging weed back, you find four o'clocks making their debut.
Yep, spring has sprung in Caneyhead, and it is delightful!!
Hope your's is at least half as good.
Sunday, April 8, 2007
Lo, I am with you always.
He arose!! He arose!!
He arose a victor from the dark domain
and He lives forever with His saints to reign!
He arose! He arose! Hallelujah! Christ arose!!
Tags: Risen Lord
Friday, April 6, 2007
It is finished!