Friday, April 28, 2017

#WATWB - Good News

While I was visiting blogs for the #AtoZChallenge, I happened to drop by Michelle's Writer in Transit blog.  There I discovered the We Are The World Blogfest.  This blogfest is all about sharing good news: uplifting stories of compassion, resilience and positivity.  As I have already shared in my post regarding news, I feel there is too much circulating through all types of media that highlights the negatives of the world.  What an opportunity to share some light, joy, peace and understanding this bloghop is!  So, I climbed aboard.

For my first entry into this undertaking, I'm sharing three stories gleaned locally that made me feel good.  I hope it makes you feel better, too, to see people thinking of others.

First up, a local business helps an army vet make SE Texas his home!

 Next, I heard of this group of young ladies who went the extra mile to help girls in neighboring LA.

Last, but not least of these, we see women reaching out to encourage teen girls.

I hope these little stories of big kindness lighten your load today.

What about you, have you hears any good news lately?  Join us next month on the last Friday, May 26th!

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  1. This is an awesome find, Barbara, thank you for sharing it and for the wonderful stories you shared. We need much more of this, reminders that there are still good caring people in the world! I'll be adding this to my reminders for next month! :-)

  2. Thanks for the links! I will need to keep this in mind for May. My W post would be my April entry.

    Emily | My Life In Ecuador | Water. Clean Drinking Water

  3. How wonderful of those women to share their life experiences to help young girls to develop self-respect and independence. Learning by good example is always a rewarding lesson.

  4. Great stories, Barbara!

    The army vet risked his life to help others...such a well-deserved gift that's too large to wrap!
    It's wonderful to see young ladies support other young ladies...that's an awesome example of female empowerment!
    Project Beautiful Me is necessary to keep young ladies growing in the right direction...especially since lots of young girls lack self-esteem.

    Writer In Transit #WATWB

  5. One of the local radio stations does a good news Friday every week. They ask listeners to call in with whatever happy news they happen to have.

  6. These are such wonderful stories. Michelle has done an amazing job of spreading the word on watwb--Thankyou for joining in. I do hope to read posts from Emily and Josie as well!

  7. These are all good stories of people helping and uplifting others in need. Thanks for sharing and for participating in #WATWB this month.

  8. Welcome, Barbara to #WATWB - great stories here. Looking forward to what you share in May. ~ fellow #WATWB member

  9. Thanks for finding not only a good news item, but three! They are all wonderful and we look forward to what is next. Thanks for joining our Blogfest:) Simon’s Still Stanza #WATWB

  10. Hi Barbara. Thanks for sharing these stories of human kindness. And thanks for participating in the #WATWB.


So glad you stopped by! Come 'round any time. ~ Barbara

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