Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Does Anyone Actually Blog Any More?

Definition of blog according Merriam-Webster:   a Web site

on which someone writes about personal opinions, activities,

 and experiences.

Now, my question is:   "Does anyone actually blog anymore?"  

Seriously.  When I started blogging back in 2005, I did so

after reading a blog about a military wife and the things she '

dealt with while hubby was deployed.  Loneliness, children,

broken things, etc.  Gave me the idea to use a blog to share 

experiences living the "redneck" life in the Piney Woods and

share my faith and offer encouragement to others, primarily


Now, we have all done our share of memes, and I can see 

occasionally being so excited by or disappointed in a movie 

you saw or a book you read that you really wanted to share 

that experience, but now blog after blog is doing primarily '

that and they are not even "book review or movie review" 


I have searched and searched to try to find new and exciting 

blogs to read that don't review anything, that don't try to tell

how to do anything, but instead just open up to me, with me.

But alas.  No matter what post I saw that got my attention, 

they all eventually disintegrate into slick drivel that is being 

shoveled out and expounded by the "experts" as the way to 

make the most of your blog.

There used be camaraderie, community, connection among

people in the blogosphere by their blogs and posts.  But I 

can't seem to find it any more except in a handful of blogs I 

follow that have existed since pre-2010 that still haven't 

swayed off course to follow some trend.

If you have a blog or read a blog that does still deal with real

life, personal feelings, thoughts, experiences and such, please 

leave me the link in the comments.


  1. You know, that's a tricky question. I've found that because of my professional life, it's sometimes hard to put the personal stories out there on my blog. There are things I don't need my coworkers to stumble upon. So I do more about house stuff and our adventures, both of which are safe topics. I try not to write too much about writing because I agree - that falls into the 'things you're supposed to blog about' category. It's kind-of boring. Lots of people write about writing. Not sure I want to rehash what others have said. Anyway. Good luck finding other life-bloggers!
    AJ @ Naturally Sweet

    1. I hear you, A.J. I have certain rules regarding my posts to protect my family and our privacy in regards to people who don't know us IRL. And there are some things I would never discuss on my blog for fear of offending a family member, or as you point out, bringing a bad view of my company. There is a nitch out there for almost any type of blog. My problem/boredom kicks in when people try to go outside their blog type to try to fit a model. I post at Caneyhead about our life, my relationship with Christ and opions of mine on various topics.

  2. Well, this one's a tough one for me because I started blogging to try to figure out how to make money blogging! But, I built my blogs on personal stories. And even though I tell personal stories, the posts that get the most attention are the "how-to" posts!! So, I'm really all over the place. Thanks for stopping by one of my blogs. The way you make pasta salad sounds super-yummy too! I do miss the camaraderie that you talk about. It doesn't seem to happen as much any more-- I took almost 1 1/2 years off and it just doesn't seem to be the same anymore.

    1. A how to post is wonderful, if it is a how to about something that relates in some way to your blog, you life. I did a post on a hog scraping several years ago. Because we are rednecks and we still do that. Most of the world don't even know what that is anymore.

    2. Ha! Yes. I have no idea what a hog scraping is!!!

    3. Well, if you are interested in finding out what it is, here's the link to that entry:

  3. I still blog, and it's usually about my home life or the cows or chickens. Boring, yes. But I am still blogging.

    1. No, dear, your blog is not boring. It's real. It's not media-hype. I treasure my blogs I've followed from J-Land. They are still the best!

  4. I have blogged on and off (more on than off) since 2005. It is such a wonderful community of people; I do miss the times from AOL and J-Land; such special times back then. I think it takes a lot of work to blog these days if one is getting started in blogging and if they want to build up a following. At times I have thought of it as tedious, but I really do enjoy the connections I've made through it :)

    (thanks for your comment about Koda, of course we were devastated, but his cancer came back aggressively and it was just a matter of time; God gave us 4 years after the initial diagnosis of cancer when the vet said 1-2 years so we are grateful. There will never be another Koda for us, he was my blogging buddy for a long time. Always remembered, never forgotten :)

    Hope all is well :)


    1. I've went through those cycles my own self, many times. And like you, I started blogging in J-Land. I do believe that was an experience that has never been recreated anywhere. I still follow several of the old crowd. I've found many new blogs in the years since that I truly liked, but they seemed to give up blogging within the 1st year. - As to Koda, we had a very similar exerience with our Xena Marie (boston terrier) after her diagnosis of conjestive heart failure.

  5. I have noticed this too. And I admit, I have read the posts on "How to grow your blog" and on how to make money and stuff, and I've done a few blog hops in order to expand my familiarity with other bloggers, but I prefer to stick to writing my own stuff, what I think and feel...mostly theologically. It's my blog, and I write it (occasionally! Lol) for fun. I like those blogs the best, too - the ones with a more personal feel. They are harder to find. :/

    1. There is nothing wrong with seeking out info to try to improve one's blog. Or trying to make a little cash with one's blog. Blog hops can be fun and if done well, lend that sense of community to the mix. I even follow a blog that is mostly reviews, and one that is about a writers writing, and one that is all birding photography and one that is all one woman's artwork. They are niche blogs. And that's fine and good to have. I have sometimes run a series within my blog. The first ever were devotions on marriage, which when the series was done, I posted into thier own blog. Took our experiences with Hurricane Rita and made them into thier own blog. Did a series of devotions once on our words and speech. And am currently doing my series of "I Saw it on Facebook." Which is mainly where I use a picture I saw on a Facebook post to prompt and entry. I suppose it upset me that when I find time to read blogs here of late, so many of the ones I followed for their own special reasons and purposes were doing all book/movie reviews and macro/healthy recipes. And I just wanted a good read.

  6. Blogging has, regrettably, fallen out of fashion. I've fallen into the Facebook trap. Just before AOL did the dirty on us all, back in 2008, I used to post up to a dozen entries each day on my then blog. Now I post up to a dozen entries on Facebook. But on a blog, you have more space. I've not resumed blogging this year for various reasons, but will do once some of those reasons are removed!

    1. I've always loved Atlantic Lines. Hope you resolve things soon and perhaps join in the April A-Z with something uniquely Stoneaway.

  7. As you probably know, I post personal stories. I started as a way for readers of my children's books to get to know me, but it's really turned into a friendship with other writers, and a way to learn from and support one another. Really, it was Arlie Bird who invited me to the A to Z challenge and brought me into this great community.

    1. Yes, Arlie Bird sure gets around. :) I saw where you said you didn't know if you'd be in on the challenge this year. I hope you find a way to participate.

  8. I feel like my friends involved in the A to Z and the IWSG are friends even though I've never met any of them in person. I like blogs that have a variety of subjects, some personal and some career related. Looking forward to the A to Z.

    1. That feeling is a lot of what I enjoy about blogging. And what make the challege such a good time.

  9. Hi, Barbara,
    I agree that things have changed a lot over the years. I think writers tend to veer off into how to posts because that they way to 'grow' our blogs. Lately, I haven't been posting much due to using the time to write.

    It is definitely refreshing to read blogs where people simply share their life experiences.

    1. How to posts are not bad on their own. Say you are an avid quilter, and you blog, and then you decide to do a how to series in your blog. Quilters or people interested in quilting would most likely love it. Me, I don't quilt, don't care to and other then a pretty picture or two of some finished quilts I'd have no interest in How to Quilt posts. Now, post a picture of a quilt handed down by great-grandmother and tell me it's story or about all the memories associated with it, that I'd love.

  10. I am trying to get back to just writing, as opposed to just posting. I appreciate your visits!

    1. You are welcome Andrea. I enjoy my visits to your blog.

  11. Hi Barbara! Funny you should write about this! i wrote about the same thing today, sort of. I have always enjoyed the 'personal' blogs the best. Who cares if they have 5 or 5000 followers! Thanks for visiting mine today! Hope you keep blogging, too!

    1. How sweet! I thought it funny that we did similar posts so close together and both started out in 2005.


So glad you stopped by! Come 'round any time. ~ Barbara

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