Wednesday, March 25, 2015

The Tail is Wagging the Dog

So, at work yesterday, one of the girls said, let me tell you what my sister said happened at her school where she teaches.  And she went on to say that the Book Mobile was at the school. And ONE parent objected because among all the other books, there were some that spoke of God or Christianity. So the ignorant school district forced them to remove those books!!!

Are you hopping mad yet?!  If you aren't you should be and shame on you for not being so.  All over America one or two bellyachers and hollarers are scaring school districts and cities into giving up rights that are STILL protected by the Constitution and supported in The Courts by throwing a tantrum and stomping their feet and threatening to sue.  

If it doesn't scare you and sicken you, then I have only one question for you?  Are you just plain stupid?

Today it's Christian books, symbols, speech, etc.  But what about tomorrow?  What group may decide to use the same tactics to threaten certain science publications that don't agree with their views.  Or history publications because it portrays their homeland at a time when it was behaving badly?  Or medical publications because they don't agree with the treatments put forth?  Fahrenheit 451 was a work of fiction.  But are you gonna sit back and let it become a reality?!

Say you could care less about books, symbols and free speech?  Then why don't you care that a small minority is changing the face of America?  This is supposed to be a Democracy!  Do you understand the meaning of the word? Do you really want to end up living in a land where 90% of the people are living a way of life that only pleases the 10%?

I'll tell you what I told my co-worker.  Send you sister this link:
Liberty Institute.  There she can find resources under issues explaining what her rights still are under the law as it stands. Students can find the truth about their rights.  And the military and cities can find information and help as well!  You can get help if you or an organization you are involved with are attacked in this manner.  And you can get involved and give help in many forms, from volunteering, signing petitions to giving financial donations.

If you sit back and do nothing, don't even open your mouth to complain when the freedoms we have are gone. In Texas when a few are trying to ride heard on the majority we say the tail is wagging the dog. I say, chop the tail off, so the dog may live in peace!



  1. It is sad and you are right, Barbara, right now it might be aimed at Christian things, but that doesn't mean down the line it won't be aimed at something else. People do need to fight for the rights guaranteed in the constitution.


    1. Yep, but they are too distracted with liking the last picture of kitten their friend posted on Facebook to notice.

  2. Excellently said sis! These things have been happening. Scientists are being marginalized for believing in Creation and not believing the global warming hype, school texts are white washed when it comes to America's Christian roots, and other ideologies are being promoted as having helped form this country. Christian chaplains in our military are being fired or demoted for their beliefs.
    Excellent and appropriate quote.
    Well said Barbara! Thank you.

    1. Thank you. It has sickened me to see more and more of this happening throughout our Nation, but when it happens in Texas! Well, then it riles me even more.

  3. Amen and well said, Barbara!
    It is sad how the vocal minority is taking over. We will soon be living a way that pleases only a small percentage. Ans ironically, that small percentage is always screaming the loudest for freedoms and rights - but only if yours line up with theirs.

  4. Well said. It may start with christian books, but there is no telling where it might end. And it is sad the minority gets so much focus, but like others have said, they are the ones screaming the loudest.

    1. My point exactly is if you don't preserve one sets freedoms, before long another sets will crumble and on and on. What ever happened to just not looking at or listening to something that offended you? A huge segment of main stream TV includes things that offend me, and as soon as a show goes there, I stop watching it.

  5. Definitely well said! It'll never end if it doesn't get stopped now.

    1. I agree Sherry. Too many places in this land have already given up too much of their freedom.

  6. I am all for freedom of speech and the press. As a Jew, and having grown up one of only a handful of Jewish children in school, though, I am also in favor of separation of church and state. I should not have been forced to sing Christian songs every year, make Christmas cards OR be the one Jewish kid in the corner NOT making Christmas cards, etc. I shouldn't have been told by my best friend that "If you don't accept Jesus, I won't be your friend," because this is what she was taught in Catholic school.

    Where does this leave me on this issue? I see both sides, Barbara. Were there books for children of the Muslim, Jewish, or other faith based groups? How about Atheists or Agnostics? Non-worshippers comprise one of the fastest growing group across the country. Short of a diverse mix of books, it wouldn't be comfortable for me, as a child or parent, seeing Christian literature only. There's a huge spectrum having to do with cultural sensitivity before the more clear laws apply...Just my thoughts, even though I know I'm in the minority here. But we're all in agreement regarding freedom of speech. It is not something to take for granted or easily dismiss.

    Thanks for raising the issue.

    1. Well, it's a bookmobile. It has all types of books. Fiction and non-fiction. Does it represent every group out there...I have no idea. No one is forcing the kids to purchase from the bookmobile, either. I still say, removing or banning one thing only ultimately leads to removing or banning other things.

      And I am glad and proud that America does have the separation of church and state. That means that government has no right to dictate a state religion. To say that you, a Jew, must worship Jesus, or for either of us to be forced to worship Mohammed.

      Unfortunately, if anyone is in a minority and is living, working, going to school, etc. in public, then they are going to run into more things they don't agree with. But no one should be made to join activities that goes against their core beliefs and religion. Under the law, you had the right to not participate in school Christmas activities. Perhaps no one stood up for you or fought for you not to , but you did..

      My Aunt Elena married a Jewish man. Uncle Dave. He was a dear, sweet man. And when I stayed with them, I ate as they did out of respect for him and what he believed.

      As to the little Catholic girl, some hater taught her that. That is not a Catholic ideology, nor a Christian one. Jesus himself dinned with "sinners" and spoke to the "despised" Samaritan woman. He was a wall breaker, not a wall builder.

      My children are faced with things everyday that go against what we teach them is right and true. I don't expect everyone to remove all those things from their presence where ever they go. I do expect my children to choose rightly. And to be proud of why they choose as they do.

      Thank you so much for taking the time to comment and share your views from another perspective, Robyn. That's what free speech is all about. Let's guard it and treasure it together.

  7. Yes, thank you, Barbara. It's great to meet you, too.


So glad you stopped by! Come 'round any time. ~ Barbara

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