Wednesday, May 31, 2006
The CarnivAOL is back in town!

Saturday, May 27, 2006
In Honor of Those Who Sacrificed
In honor of those who fought, died and sacrificed to keep us free...
...Celebrate! Celebrate and cherish the freedoms they preserved. The freedom to live any where you like that you can afford. The freedom to work at any job you are qualified or skilled for. Freedom to speak your mind, your thoughts be they politically correct or incorrect. The blessed freedom to worship the One True God, or any cheap imitations, in whatever manner you deem appropriate.
...Laugh. Laugh often and loud. Enjoy every moment of life that you can, for those who have no moments left.
...Reminisce. Remember them. Their stories. Their valor. Their pride. Their fears, hopes and dreams.
...Cry. Cry for those left without sons, daughters, husbands, wives, fathers and mothers.
...Love. Love deeply. Love each other. "Don't just pretend that you love others: really love them. Hate what is wrong. Stand on the side of Good." TLB,Romans 12:9 Love, as they loved. Stand, as they stood. Lovingly remember those who loved the most. For, "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." KJV, John 15:13
This may be a US National Holiday, but many around the world owe their own life and freedom to these same men. In deed, some of them know better than us the cost they paid and honor they deserve. And from all who cherish life and value freedom, these deserve respect and honor.
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Just Do It!
(Visit This, That & Hockey for graphics.)
So, how many times has someone crossed your mind:
I ought to call Jill and see how the interview went.
I really should stop by and see Jane and the baby.
Maybe I'll send Jack a note later.
Wonder if Pam would like one of these, too?
If it weren't so late, I'd take that neighbor a plate and visit.
The list goes on and on and is often very long. Thought of others. Good intentions. Little nudges that creep into our day as we go about the business of living.
So, how often do you actually do the thing that crossed your mind?! Ouch. The list is relatively short. Maybe 10-20% of all the thoughts actually are acted upon. At least for me. What about you?
There are numerous reasons we can't/don't act on all those thoughts:
They'd think we were crazy.
It's none of my business.
I don't have the time today.
I'm really short on cash. Better wait.
My car isn't running very well.
Spouse wouldn't understand.
You get the idea. I know them all. I've used them all. But thank God in Heaven sometimes I don't!!!!! Sometimes I actually do the thing that comes to mind. Many times I feel some appreciation for the thing, and that's all. But then there are the times when I get to glimpse/know the result......and praise be to God!!
I'll share a few briefly with you. (Names have been changed or omitted.)
Once, I could not attend my Sunday School class and arrived only in time for Worship. All morning a couple in our area had been heavy on my mind. Recent injury and surgery. I walked up to my Sunday School teacher, Sharon. We both started to speak at the same time. She had asked in SS for someone to organize to fix food for this family and visit them. She had no takers. So they had prayed that God touch & lead the right person to do so. I had approached Sharon to ask her could we do some ministry/outreach like a meal to this family. We both got goosebumps standing on that sidewalk, as we realized how God had it all in play. I organized and delivered a meal. Expressed our love and concern to them. When he had recovered enough from surgery, they visited our church. Later they accepted Christ, rededicated their lives and became members. Thank you God for allowing me some small part in that!!!
A good while back a dear woman I go to church with had been extremely sick. In and out of hospitals. Often out of church. No real and solid answers or help for her condition. I was praying for the names on my prayer list. Nell was on there, of course. I kept getting a strong feeling to call her. I thought I'd disturb her rest, no way to know the right time to call. The feeling just stayed so very persistent. I finally gave in and called. Nell had been feeling lonely, hopeless and useless. Like a burden to her family. Her thoughts had been suicidal. She had been praying for God to send her someone. God thank you for sending me!!!
E-cards. I love them. Quick and easy way to let someone know you care. I had been praying for some online friends yesterday. Decided that some might could use a little cheer, a note and so I sent some e-cards. Two I started NOT to send.
One because the woman isso very strong in the Lord, I couldn't imagine her having a need. But her name kept leaping out of my address book and I sent one. Here is her reply: "I really needed that at that moment! Rough day here at work. Had to go outside and take a few moments to pray and calm down. When I came back inside I checked my email and there was your sweet card. Thanks. God always knows when to send an angel to pick us up when we need it and He knows exactly when to send His blessings. "
As for the other, I knew of no specific need in her life. But, again, the name just seemed to call from my address book. So I breathed a silent prayer for her and sent her a card. Here is her reply, "What made you send me that card? I ask because I sent a prayer up to God yesterday. I guess you could call it a prayer more like a whine or moan with tears streaming down my face... "
I hope no one will be offended I used their story anonymously. And I hope you don't get the wrong idea. This entry is not about me...it is about how God can use a weak, cracked, dull vessel to touch a life for a moment or for eternity. It is not who we are, it is who God is. God makes all the difference!!
Friday, May 19, 2006
Jesus invites us every day to walk with Him. Amazing! And many days I happily join Him. Fall right into step beside Him. It is joy. It is peace. It is comfort. It is adventure.
And then there are the days when I feel out of sorts and blah and more or less respond to his invitation with "Oh, just let me sit here and ruminate! I am tired of walking." At first it feels good, but sooner or later I am sad, or upset or lonely. I find myself wondering what could have been that day. Or running; running to catch up.
On the days when we're walking together, sometimes my Lord will stop to point something out to me. Often I'll be patient, listening to His voice, awaiting what He desires to reveal. Other times I'll jump the gun and dart off in the direction he motions to, without a thought....without a prayer. And I loose out on an opportunity to grow, to learn, to join Him in something bigger than I.
On some walks, I let my attentions wander or dawdle off after something that has caught my eye. Soon I realize that Jesus is not so near. Or I find myself stuck in the mud, surrounded by brambles and briars. I fuss and strive and kick around, looking to find my way back to the good path. Just when I am becoming discouraged and grow still and quiet, I hear Him. I hear the Masters voice calling, leading me out of the wilderness and to Him.
There are times on our walks when the Lord has to go before me. The way is steep and hard. He proceeds me to make sure there is solid footing. When I stay close and try to match each step I make into His own, all goes well. But other times I lag behind. Soon I find myself at a place where I cannot determine how to proceed. But right on time, just before complete despair, there comes my Shepherd! Extending His hand. Retrieving this lamb. Setting my feet back upon the Solid Rock.
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Let's All Go to The CarnivAOL
Come one, come all to the CarnivAOL!!
Have you ever been? I went recently after seeing a post about it over at Donna's. I enjoyed getting out of my usually routine and exploring some new places, meeting some new people. I really think you might enjoy it, too!!
For any who don't know, it's a place where AOL bloggers can submit an entry that they are proud of, worked extra hard on, or that is close to their heart. There links to those entries are provided. I submitted my entry "Mama". And there are nine other entries listed there this week.
So go explore at the CarnivAOL. It's open 24/7!
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
So, Here's How My Mind Works.
I see the reports of the heavy rains and flooding in the North East. One headline is "Almost Biblical". Let me start by saying these folks are in my heart and prayers. I have good, solid, Christian on-line friends up that way.
But, this is how my mind works. I see this. And it jogs my memory of a little documentary type show I watched the other evening. It started by saying that every major civilization in the world has some gigantic flood account. (Breaking in here with a correction: they were saying that civilizations scattered throughout the entire world have a major flood story. Thank you, PLittle, for keeping me honest. ;o) They may very in detail, scope and lots of things, but they all have one.
Now, hang on. Don't want to loose no one. So my mind jumps to "That in itself should pretty well prove the flood occurred, if you accept some things from the Bible as true." Bear with me. Say the flood happened exactly like the Bible says. Whole world covered. Mankind starts again from Noah's offspring. Mankind gets cocky and builds the tower of Babel. God confuses their language. So they start to drift apart and go to other regions to live and contact with other groups or clusters slows considerably. Each little clan, so to speak, has their own language. Develops their own customs. Passes down their own stories in their words, by their people, colored by their life experiences. In a centuries old gossip game (you know, whisper a sentence in one ear, pass it down through twenty people and at the end you get something that often doesn't have one word of the original) each story takes on its own character and life, reflective of the people. Now, take by faith that Seth's descendents who stayed in the region and closer to God in general, kept the story line truer to form. Take by faith that the account Moses recorded in Genesis was inspired by God and he was the Editor in Chief. There you have it. Not hard to believe at all. Simple to understand the different traditions passed down.
Now, my mind jumps to the Gospels. Four narratives by four men about our Lord Jesus. Some folks just can't get passed the fact one story is in one gospel and not another......that two gospels tell what appears to be the same story with a different light, or spin. Well, let's go to a football game.
Makes no difference who's playing, but for the sake of argument we'll say it's the 49'ers and the Saints. Let's put Matthew in the press box. Give Mark a bench seat with the team. Stick Luke in the general admission. And John hitches a ride in the blimp overhead. All four men see the same game. But you can bet they are gonna have some very different stories to tell of it when they all gather back at the club the next day. One view is up close and gritty. One view is aided by much stats and instant replays. One is ..... well average. See some, miss some. And poor John....all he sees are ants.
Now add to this that these men were all different. Each writing to a different audience and for a different purpose in each epistle.
Matthew (A jewish tax collector): Shows us Jesus as King, the messiah who fulfills the promise of God in the Old Testament. - written for the Jews
Mark: Shows Jesus as the Servant who does God's will and records more miracles than any other for he wrote it for the Romans, who valued deeds far above words.
Luke (A gentile and a physician): Showed us Jesus as the Perfect Man, God incarnate. Traces his genealogy back to Adam. Shows Jesus often in prayer. Written for the Greeks, the intellectual thinkers of the times.
John: Shows Jesus as the Son of God as his diety is revealed in every chapter, that all might believe.
And each guided by God. They are all valid accounts. All honest in their reporting. But each with a different flavor or emphasis, accordingly.
And thank God! Thank God we have a multidimensional picture of Him!
Comprised by 66 books, written by 40 authors over 1600 years. Penned in 3 languages and upon 3 continents. Yet there is continuity of direction and purpose.
Friday, May 12, 2006
Welcome! Come on in!
I'm delighted you stopped by! This is an exciting day for me. I'm actually a Guest Editor's Pick!! Mary is the Guest Editor this week. It means a lot that she chose to feature me. After all, she was one of the first people to visit and comment in my journal when I came to J-Land. She has been a friend and an encourager every step of the way.
If you are an old friend, stay and celebrate with me. If you are a new guest, grab a cup of coffee and stick around so we can get to know each other. Above all, just relax and enjoy yourself. ;o)
Thursday, May 11, 2006
(Graphic by Donna.)
Sunday, May 7, 2006
*Well, there you go
Mama called this "messing and glomming."
Family Kicked Out of Buffet Restaurant
Looking at the poll, most must agree with Mama.
*Update!* Judging from a few of the comments,
.....Sorry...I agree with it. There is no reason for that much wastefulness
.....I'm sorry but I have to agree with the restaurant
I need to clarify myself. I agree with Mama. And her phrase, messing and glomming, means to waste or leave in such state as no one else can use it. And the poll reflects that most of the people who responded to it DO agree with the restaurant.
Kids will be kids, anyone can over-help their plate. And yes, sometimes at a buffet you are stuck with the burnt edge of the pan and might want to upgrade to a better helping when a new pan comes out. But normal over-helping wastes only a few bites. And a parent who knows kids will be kids, will direct them when helping their plate to put only a few bites until the have tried it. In general, it is always better to go back for seconds than to overfill the first time around.
Saturday, May 6, 2006
And The Winner Is...
Bubba & his stereo box for a 4-wheeler!
Yes, his & Brandon's box won the State TSA competition in their class!!!!!!!
I don't have much in the way of details at this time, but I'm just too happy & proud not to shout it to the world. Who'd of thought those knuckle heads would pull it off!
Friday, May 5, 2006
A Friday Night's Amusement
I am too tired to think clearly enough to write something thoughtful or inspiring. But I am itching to do something. So I am challenging you to check the <AGE BAROMETER>. It's easy, just add up the number of things from the list below that you remember. (Not that you heard of, that you remember.) I'll supply the key to the barometer at the end, and even reveal to you my own measure.
1. Blackjack chewing gum
2. Wax Coke-shaped bottles with colored sugar water
3. Candy cigarettes
4. Soda pop machines that dispensed bottles
5. Coffee shops with table side jukeboxes
6. Home milk delivery in glass bottles with cardboard stoppers
7. Party lines
8. Newsreels before the movie
9. P.F. Flyers
10. Butch wax
11. Telephone numbers with a word prefix (Olive - 6933)
12. Peashooters
13. Howdy Doody
14. 45 RPM records
15. S&H Green Stamps
16. Hi-fi's
17. Metal ice trays with levers
18. Mimeograph paper
19. Blue flashbulbs
20. Beanie and Cecil
21. Roller skate keys
22. Cork popguns
23. Drive-ins
24. Studebakers
25. Wash tub wringers
Got your total items remembered? Okay, here's the key:
If you remembered 0-5 You're still young.
If you remembered 6-10 You are getting older.
If you remembered 11-15 Don't tell your age.
If you remembered 16-25 You're older than dirt!
Me? Well, I shouldn't tell my age. I had plastic soda candies and pretend cigarette candy when I was a child. Bought Cokes in glass bottles out of machines. Drank 'em and took the bottles to the grocery store to turn in for a refund. (Even put bags of salted peanuts down in many of those cokes. Yum!) Don't know why they don't still give you the little table top juke boxes. I loved flipping the pages and selecting songs. Waiting for "mine" to come over the speakers next. I had a party line until they did away with party lines entirely in my area. Our rate stayed locked in at that party line rate, too. Bell Telephone thought that it wasn't our fault they weren't providing that service any more. So we were the only ones on a three party line for years, until we moved about 8 years ago. P.F. Flyers where good wearing, washing, playing, jumping shoes. But you could run faster than the wind itself when they were on your feet! The first telephone number I can recall memorizing started with the prefix, Evergreen. Remember 45's, heck, I still have almost 300 of them! Still in their original paper covers. Some of the very best of the 70's for the most part....but some go back much farther. Only one with a scratch that hangs up is Yo-Yo by the Osmonds. Now if I could only get them all on cassette or CD? S&H green stamps, oh yeah. And Piggly Wiggly. There was another, too. I licked a many of them. My Aunt Billie would save hers up for me to lick for her and reward me with a Hershey bar and a Coke in a bottle. My first and only hi-fi, me and Mama went to the drug store and bought two albums for when I first got it. One was Elvis' Flaming Star. The other we thought was Glen Cambell's greatest hits, but turned out to be only an instrumental, orchestrated version. Shows how green we were! I still have a full set of fully functioning metal ice trays with handles. They are Frigidaire brand. I thought I was so grownyfied and special when I got to help the church secretary run off papers on the mimeograph machine as a pre teen. I still remember the wonderful way the pages smelt when you got them. And sometimes they'd still be slightly damp. We had the four blue bulbs in a square that would rotate on top of our camera. They looked real neat once they popped. I went to drive in theatre as late as my Senior year in High School. Show Time in Beaumont, TX operated lot longer than most of them did. Now I think that field is a shooting range. And that is the fourteen things that I clearly remember from the list. And that's why I'm not telling anyone I am 45. ;o)
Have a wonderful weekend, ya'll!