Sunday, January 20, 2008

OH, yeah, that was me! :/

Friday AM.  Had to be at work early.  One of the girls on our side of the office was going to be out.  Got there right on time.  Walk through plant, which is alive and busy, and into the dark office.  Turn on lights, unlock door, get paper work out of locked filing cabinet, change out backup tapes.  My, oh, my!  It's time our front door should be open, but corporate is still dark.  Hum.  Well, I'll just open up the door between them and us and turn on some lights, see if I can find out how to dis-arm the alarm so I can open the front door. 
Turn key in door.  Open.  Two steps in I hear "beep, beep, beep, beep...."  UH, OH!  So no one told me the inside door was on the system!!!  Run turn on lights.  No cheat sheets by the alarm box.  Dash into office.  Call co-worker for the code.  Co-worker's phone dies of battery failure right after she gives me the third of four necessary numbers in the code.  Now we have upgraded to a full scale siren blaring through the office and plant!  Yippee!  Here comes the production manager.  No, he doesn't have the code, but he has the GM on speed dial. 
Code is secured, annoying alarm is turned off.  Call is placed before the police are summoned.
Thank heavens!
Corporate secretary comes in.  Not too happy.  Heard the siren outside.  She got me squared away with all the necessary info though.  I'm forgiven, I think.  But if I ever do it again, I may be in jeopardy! 
Thankfully, the rest of the day went smooth as chicken poop!


  1. I hate it when that happens!  ;-)  Love Carolyn

  2. That used to happen to Ken a lot in some of the homes he serviced. He would call them the night before and request they leave the alarm off that day since he had a key to their place. Of course they would. Needless to say they would forget to turn alarm off. Some of them he had codes to but some of them they would change and forget to give him the new code. He always waited for the police to get there and explain to them what happened. Helen

  3. that would have caused quite a commotion; great way to start the morning (not); thankful the rest of the day went better :)


  4. LOL! Our school has a security alarm, but it is silent. I went in early one day before anyone, only I didn't know I was the first one there. I set off the alarm. Sheriff came. Not good. School gets charged every time that happens. bea

  5. Hello...I thought I would stop by and visit your journal.  I hate when security alarms go off, something about it is just so unnerving!!  

  6. I have had that happen to me on 2 seperate occassions at 2 different places. Once at the old job which is now in a "neighborhood" and it is blaring!!!

    Have a good one......


  7. Nothing like that to get the adrenialine (sp?) going!

  8. yeah, don't you just LOVE alarms :-(

  9. Ouch!  Glad you have all the codes now, though.

  10. Oh no how embarrassing.... I'm sure you are forgiven now...
    Linda :)

  11. Sounds very exciting!!!  So glad they gave you the codes.  It is not your fault that they didn't give you the codes so hopefully all is well for the future!!!  Many hugs,

  12. Well you were just trying to be effective and productive in your work! Cant blame a gal for that.  Guess its good to get all that excitement out of the way early


So glad you stopped by! Come 'round any time. ~ Barbara

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