Tuesday, January 29, 2008

What day is this?!?

I saw TreesRgreen78's response to Krissy's question this week and was moved by it.  Made me want to share about my screen name, though the story is not such a moving one. 
This week Krissy asks:
What is your screename?  How did you choose it?  What does it mean to you?
My screen name is BhbnEr2Him.  I knew I wanted to encourage others in their walk with Christ.  Even though I wasn't sure exactly how I was going to go about that.  I felt I had a message to share with other women.  God had blessed me with a desire to try to reach out to them and minister to them. 
So, my Bh is merely my initials. 
The next b stands for be.
nEr is my phonetic way of spelling near.
2 in this case is to.
And the Him is Christ Jesus.
My screen name is a reminder to myself.  BH, be near to Him.  Barbara, be near to Him. Remember why you are here.  Remember your purpose.  Bring Him no shame in what you do, what you say or where you go online. 
I pray I've remained faithful to my purpose.  The first thing I did was write a series of Devotions on Marriage.  They have been posted several places.  And now reside in their own journal that you can reach through the link in the side bar.
The next thing I did was start Life & Faith in Caneyhead.  Which is a mixture of life in the country, humor and faith related messages. 
And lastly I started a prayer group for women called Sisters in Christ.  A place to intercede for one another, encourage one another and find fellowship together.  Currently we have 50+ members, a lot of love for one another and many answered prayers!
Thank you Krissy for the questions. 

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Playing for Good

I bet many of you have played the Word Power in Reader's Digest before.  You know, they give you a word and four meanings to chose from.  Sometimes they seem easy.  Sometimes challenging.  But you almost always come away from them knowing a little more.

Well, the same idea is at work for good over at Free Rice.  You are given a word and four meanings (synonyms).  For every correct answer you earn 20 grains of rice.  Every time you answer correct, the words get tougher.  Miss, and it backs up to an easier level.  When you stop playing your "rice" goes to the United Nations fund for world hunger. 

I played for about 30 minutes today, maximum level 40 and earned over 4,000 grains!  So, if you are a vocabulary nut or you know you need to grow your vocabulary it's a great way to have some fun and help fill a need.


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Sunday, January 20, 2008

What the Sam Houston?!?!

No offense to our state father.  But his name is used by our electric cooperative. 
Last night I was home alone as my precious family was taking in the last weekend of deer season, youth weekend.  It was just too cold to me to go stay in the woods.  I watched movies, relaxed and set my alarm when I went to bed so I wouldn't sleep too late.
I awoke this morning to the sound of not enough sound.  You know, that kind that settles in when the electricity is off.  I could tell it was pretty cold in my bedroom, so didn't venture out of the bed.  Then the electricity comes on, then goes off, then on, then off.  I lay there awhile contemplating the thought of a cold house with no hot coffee.  May have half dozed.  Finally felt that I needed to make sure someone was working on it.  I pulled the phone over to my side of the bed and dialed up the co-op to report my outage....just as I was waiting for the report to be created the electricity came back on!  I hung up.  Lay in bed and waited.  After all the on and off and on and off, I wasn't going to trust it too quickly. 
Finally I believed it really was on to stay and threw on my big buffalo woman housecoat, padded over to the heat controls and dialed the heat up, went to the kitchen and started my coffee.  Took two hours for thing to feel warm around here!
Now I know my bunch is going to return wondering why I didn't go to church, and why I didn't accomplish much today. 
Please Lord, let tomorrow be smooth and blessed with electricity!

OH, yeah, that was me! :/

Friday AM.  Had to be at work early.  One of the girls on our side of the office was going to be out.  Got there right on time.  Walk through plant, which is alive and busy, and into the dark office.  Turn on lights, unlock door, get paper work out of locked filing cabinet, change out backup tapes.  My, oh, my!  It's time our front door should be open, but corporate is still dark.  Hum.  Well, I'll just open up the door between them and us and turn on some lights, see if I can find out how to dis-arm the alarm so I can open the front door. 
Turn key in door.  Open.  Two steps in I hear "beep, beep, beep, beep...."  UH, OH!  So no one told me the inside door was on the system!!!  Run turn on lights.  No cheat sheets by the alarm box.  Dash into office.  Call co-worker for the code.  Co-worker's phone dies of battery failure right after she gives me the third of four necessary numbers in the code.  Now we have upgraded to a full scale siren blaring through the office and plant!  Yippee!  Here comes the production manager.  No, he doesn't have the code, but he has the GM on speed dial. 
Code is secured, annoying alarm is turned off.  Call is placed before the police are summoned.
Thank heavens!
Corporate secretary comes in.  Not too happy.  Heard the siren outside.  She got me squared away with all the necessary info though.  I'm forgiven, I think.  But if I ever do it again, I may be in jeopardy! 
Thankfully, the rest of the day went smooth as chicken poop!

Monday, January 7, 2008

2007 in the Rear View

  Many in J-land have been listing the first line of the first entry of each month of 2007 in thier journals.  I've indulged and am putting my own spin on it.  I have selected my personal favorite entry from each month and quoted the first line from it.  All are linkable.  If you are new to Caneyhead or missed one, it'd mean a lot to me if you read these if you haven't.  As they are the ones most precious to me.

I'm finding spiritual truth in jokes.
I offer my advice to singles.
I tell the story of Pete & my's elopement.
I'm sharing two true stories about animals at our house, one with a happy ending and the other one a sad one.
My only entry in May, I'm bragging about my marvelous son and his invention.
I share our bread and butter pickle recipe and describe a perfect social evening in Caneyhead.
My first and only attempt thus far at the Artsy Essay.
I'm sharing a sermon I got from a trip to the grocery store.
I'm pondering the fact they say the southern accent is spreading.
Thoughts on miracles, healing and wholeness.
My tribute to the veterans in my life and yours.
My post in remembrance of my sister.


Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Confession is Good for the Soul

So I was over at Lynne's journal, TNT the other day and she tagged me for the J-Land Mini-Convention and Confessional.
Must enter four confessions about yourself.  Here's mine.....
1.  In middle school some friends and I were at a sleepover at the pastor's daughters house; the parsonage.  We slipped out in the middle of the night and streaked around the church in our undies.  Why?  I don't know.  But the song the Streak by Ray Stevens was very popular around here at the time. 
2.  While I was in college, I had a romantic midnight pic-nic atop Arthur Temple's lear jet hanger in Diboll, TX.  Why?  My date was a good college buddy of his son. 
3.  I once threw Pete's supper in the front yard, pots and all.  Why?  He was leaving without eating it. 
4.  After we moved to Caneyhead there was a long time of no rain.  When finally one day a beautiful shower started, I told Pete I'd love to dance in the rain naked for the pure joy of it.  He said something like "What's stopping you?"  So, I ditched my clothes and danced naked in the rain in our yard.  Bubba hid.  Pete stood in the doorway and watched.  Aren't you thankful we live in the woods?! 
Now play along!  I double dog dare you to!  ;o) 

                          Graphic by Chocolate Cherried Creations
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