Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Pondering: They don't make 'em like that anymore.

I've never made any secret of the fact that my mind runs off in unusual tangents at times.  And sometimes purely for my amusement.  I view this as pondering.  Looking at something from a new or skewed perspective.  

Today at work, our production manager had come thru the office and for some reason it seemed appropriate to comment that "they don't make 'em like that anymore."

There is where my mental tailspin started.  I thought, who makes 'em?  Well, God of course!  Then I imagined God in Heaven conversing with one of his angels.  The angel asking how about making one similar that?  And God saying we don't make 'em like that any more.  That's model 958675246123.  It was discontinued in 1946.  What was tenacity was perceived as stubbornness.  Concern was misconstrued as being hard nosed.  The humor ran entirely too dry for the masses to understand.  Folks were insulted instead of amused.  It's a shame though.  I liked that model. That model served his nation.  That model didn't give a fig about political correctness.  If he truly liked someone, he'd bend over backwards to help them.  He also never asked anyone to do anything he wasn't willing to do himself. Yep, there was some really good qualities packed in that model, but no one would understand it today.  

What sort of things do you ponder? 

Have you known any model #958675246123's in your time? 

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Swept Away By Summer

I abandoned the road trip.  Had good intentions to keep up those regular posts that the A to Z Challenge got me to making.  But then, summer came on in all it's glory.  Caneyhead became rich and green.  There were so many evenings outside.  Dips in the pool to enjoy. Bubba and his little family making regular visits to our house.  Times reading with Baby Ruth or watching movies with her.  

There was a "get away" weekend for my sister and two of my nieces at Edna's river camp.  So great to visit and catch up and even be silly together.

The annual trip to Artesian Springs with the church was another enjoyable, happy day.  Tucked away in the woods of East Texas near Newton.  

Life just too rich and mellow and easy to put aside to come and visit and read and write.  Now September is around the corner, and I know that as we turn that corner, the days will shorten, eventually it will be too cool to swim and the soft glow of the computer screen will beckon me back.  But for now, I'm drinking the last dregs of a splendid summer from life's cup. 

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