Saturday, January 18, 2014

April on My Mind

Yes, April has been on my mind a lot every since the first of the year.  Not that I'm looking forward to Easter, all though I love it.  Nor that my mind is on Spring, although it will be welcome.  I've been daydreaming about the April A-Z Challenge for 2014.

Participated the past couple of years and thoroughly enjoyed it!  Short story is that you you write an entry each day in April (except Sundays) and each post must be associated with the letter of the day in some way.

I choose to have running themes for my posts.  The first year, my theme was Memories, Persons and Places from my past.  Because I'm a story teller at heart, and some of my best writing occurs when I'm writing about people I know very well.  Then, last year, I decided to write each entry as though I was writing to one or both of my children.  I got that idea, because there were things I wanted to put down and preserve for them.

In 2014, my theme will take a more personal slant.  Each entry will in some way help you get to know Barbara.  They will revolve around personal experiences, my point of view, my ideas, my beliefs.  Hopefully, this will spark some discussion, help my visitors to feel more at home here and feel they know me, and it will once again preserve some things for my offspring.

I've already created a list of days and possible/likely subjects for each day.  Expect the hard days, like X.  If this sparks your interest at all, I hope you'll join me here for my journey.  And if you think this is something you'd like to participate in, there is a excellent article about the process over at the A-Z Blog you should check out.  Wondering how, or why this was created?
Get the scoop from the founder.

Each year, I think, I hope, that being involved in the challenge will lead the way for me to make more frequent, better posts in the year that follows.  Each year, life has crept in and stole precious time from my plan.  And I end up back making 0 to 3 posts a month.  But hope springs eternal and as things are more settled and regular in my life once again, perhaps this will be the year when it sticks.  If technical issues don't weigh me down and steal my resolve.

Please share this and get the word out to everyone you know in the blogosphere.  See ya soon!

Barbara in Caneyhead

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