Normally, that would not be a very wise thing to do; skip ahead while looking back. But as I was sharing about how Pete & I first met here, most recently, I am skipping ahead in the story to mention we just celecbrated our 26th wedding anniversary. In this past year I have seen a tenderer, gentler side of Pete than I have ever known before. I've found him to show how he cares for me in new ways for him, expressly words. And I've experienced him sharing times and activities with me more just because he knows it's what I like, I enjoy or I want. I can honestly say that these things have took my breath away and made me realize I have before me the man I have always wanted him to be. That's a treasure! My love for him is richer and deeper than ever before and my desire for him has taken on new depths of passion.
Okay, I know some of you are about to gag on the sweetness of these words. I've also seen a jealous side of him that never showed itself before, that scares me when I see it and saddens me to think that I am in any way responsible for it surfacing. It is my hope that in this new year for us, our 27th, that he can let go of that entirely and just hold tight to and enjoy with me all the newness and joy we have otherwise found.
I want to direct you all to a post I made about my man, in honor of my man a couple of years ago. I think it fitting to share it here in this series I am doing for my children. If you never read it, I most certainly hope you will. If you did read it before, please humor me and read through it again. He's one a kind. An original. And he's my love.
This is Dedicated to the One I Love