Saturday, January 24, 2009
Yes, That's My Purse :oP
Saturday, January 17, 2009
A Lot Have Been Going On

Thursday, January 1, 2009
Black Eyed Peas and Cabbage
Can you read between the lines?! LOL (for the puter, and play on puter, on the puter!) Actually, I just don't make New Year's resolutions. I suppose I think you should initiate change in your life any time you realize it's necessary or would be beneficial. And then there's always some habits and traits I'm just gonna hang on to no matter what. Suppose I'm stubborn that way.
I never have been a big one for partying on New Year's Eve. I can't see all the to-do about the calendar changing, for one. Secondly, it's about the most dangerous night of the year you could be on the road. Even when I was young, sexy like in the picture and still in my wild days it didn't much appeal to me. I can count the times I partied in the New Year in my life on one hand. With a digit or two left over.
Never have been one to see any benefit or reasoning to superstitions either. Suppose my attitude is much the same as the song by Stevie Wonder. "When you believe in things that you don't understand and you suffer....superstition ain't the way."
Tradition, though, is something I can sink my teeth into. Doing things just because we always have or Mama and Daddy did. I like the connection to the past and the feeling of continuance it brings.
So for that reason, today I have black-eyed peas with bacon and onion simmering on the stove. There's two head of cabbage to be diced and boiled down with polska kielbasa sausage as well. Probably some fresh rice and a pone of cornbread coming, too. That's just what we do in the South. In Texas. In Caneyhead.
Never have seen the good fortune the superstitious say the peas should bring or the money the cabbage ought to proffer. But to quote Daddy, "I've never felt better or had less in my poor life." Praying you and yours are blessed as well!