As I wonder around J-land and meet folks from all around the world it is apparent that we just live a little differently than the rest of ya'll. When I go to work in Beaumont, is apparent that even all fellow Texans don't do things like we do at home. Why even in town (10 miles south of us) they don't do everything like we do here in our little community of Caneyhead. It makes for some hilarious conversations.
In the interest of understanding, I have compiled an original list of things that we ourselves have done or regularly do in our life here in Caneyhead. Enjoy. Hopefully chuckle. And see if you could live in Caneyhead.
If you go barefoot more than with shoes on...
you could live in Caneyhead.
If you have ever shot an armadillo with a 12 gauge by dawn's early light in a silk tap pant set....
you could live in Caneyhead.
If you generally purchase used vehicles in twos, one to drive and one for parts...
you could live in Caneyhead.
If your weekly feed bill equals or exceeds your weekly grocery bill...
you could live in Caneyhead.
If a loose hog has ever been the reason you were late for work...
you could live in Caneyhead.
If you own more off road vehicles than on road vehicles...
you could live in Caneyhead.
If eating healthy means switching to 2% milk from whole milk and frying only one dish per meal in canola oil instead of hog lard...
you could live in Caneyhead.
If you say you need a pie crust
and you still get out shortening and flour...
you could live in Caneyhead.
If you can't get from your house to the highway without picking up mud or dust on your truck...
you could live in Caneyhead.
If you have a $2,000 stereo system in your $1,500 truck...
you could live in Caneyhead.
If you can't figure out how to make the walk/don't walk sign at the crosswalk change...
you could live in Caneyhead.
If your seven year old daughter has only recently ever eaten in a restaurant with menu's that are handed out by a waitress at the table...
you could live in Caneyhead.
If you save the plastic bags from Wally world and the grocery store to line your small trash cans with...
you could live in Caneyhead.
If the official school bus stop is actually a compressor station...
you could live in Caneyhead.
If you still identify callers by answering the phone instead of checking a caller I D display...
you could live in Caneyhead.
If camping still involves coal oil and firewood...
you could live in Caneyhead.
If, when you realized you had no hamburger buns,you put your bacon cheeseburgers on hot dog buns (baconcheesedog's)...
you could live in Caneyhead.
If you've ever been to a hog scrapin'...
you could live in Caneyhead.
If you let your neighbors know their music is too loud, too late by raining shot down on the tin roof of their party shed...
you could live in Caneyhead.
If three consecutive shots fired means "send help this way" to you...
you could live in Caneyhead.
If you kitchen sink has ever been on your back porch...
you could live in Caneyhead.
If you know how many square bales of hay fit in the trunk of an Oldsmobile...
you could live in Caneyhead.
If corn pickin', tator diggin' or cracklin' frying are family social events...
you could live in Caneyhead.
If you spend more money on deer season than all the other holidays combined...
you could live in Caneyhead.
If you have an 800+ lb hog named after your father...
you could live in Caneyhead.